
About Me

I have been a writer for … well, it feels like forever and I can’t think of anything else I would like to do. I write crime from the criminal’s point of view not to justify or mitigate the criminal’s actions, but to simply show where the criminal is coming from. I have always been fascinated and angered by the far too simplistic view of many middle and upper class people perpetuated, fostered and amplified in the media that criminals are ”monsters”, embodying everything that is ”evil”. If you believe in ‘evil’ and want to experience it first hand, be strong, look in the mirror and take stock. You’re no better. Nature, nurture, circumstances, situations, desperation, upbringing, societey’s expectations, pressure, education and that sense that nothing else matters anymore are all catalysts to crime. My stories reflect just that. The terse, lurid, violent tales about crime and desperation from the point of view of the criminal. They seek to discover the heart of criminality to create compelling reading for those who enjoy crime and are interested in the humanity of even the most unlikable characters.

  1. And compelling it is indeed. Here’s a thought. A novel based around the past year in Libya. Sort of like The Year of Living Dangerously

  2. I was always fascinated by Jeffrey Dahmer and for some unknown reason, felt sorry for him. I think he was just looking for love and didn’t want anyone to leave him, hence keeping his victims’ hearts in the fridge. I’m an animal lover/fanatic, so when I hear of people hurting or killing them, it alters my opinion. I tend to judge people on how they treat animals. When I discovered that Dahmer did this, I was upset…however, I still wish I had been able to talk to him in person – he just seemed fascinating to me.

    • I can totally empathize with that, Dawn. Pay-for-Play, my 3rd project, stems from the life, death and everything in between of Cunanan, Gianni Versace’s killer. I found his life totally fascinating and the more criminal profiling I read about him the more fascinated I became.

      I think the appeal for me is in that he wasn’t a criminal in any way. Something happened to make him switch, found himself going through a bad patch, was weak and vulnerable and made a bad choice and when he realized what he had done, he also realized he had reached the end of his life as he imagined it.

      I do explore the concept in the novel and it was great fun to write it up and spend time with all the characters even though, at times, I just didn’t want to be in Andrew Cunanan’s head.

      Thanks for taking the time to post a comment and go through my blog. Much appreciated. I look forward to more discussions. 🙂

      All the best and happy writing.

  3. Criminals are a really interesting focus…and you will probably never run out of subject matter. What do you think about the ‘criminal’ politicians or priests (or any authority figure for that matter)? These minds are usually more paced, more ‘planned out’ than the criminal mind of the moment or the figure who carries out a ‘crime of passion’?

  4. Our society seems to have lost the natural sense of belonging and created the ‘us and them’ concept to try and make up for the lack.
    a novel (excuse the pun) way of showing the world we are all children of the same heavenly father.Go for it!

  5. Thanks for popping in and liking my post, Stuart.

    Come back soon. 🙂

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